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Procurement technology leaders: Prepare your organization for successful adoption of AI-powered software, like Arkestro, with these quick answers from Gartner®.
Resources  /  Infographics  /  Defining Predictive Procurement Orchestration (PPO)

Defining Predictive Procurement Orchestration (PPO)

PPO is the latest evolution of digital procurement; it represents the true digital transformation of procurement as it leverages technology to do things that were previously impossible. But, how did we get here?

The Digital Era

1996 – 2010

Procurement on the Web. Organizations used the internet to procure goods and services. Paper-based processes transition to electronic workflows.

The Self-Service Era

2010 – 2015

Procurement on the Cloud. The rise of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) systems. No need to install/maintain software. The procurement software provider provides data encryption and updates.

The “Best of Breed” Era

2015 – 2020

Procurement in Apps. Organizations adopt different software for each step of the procurement process that focus on specific challenges.

The Embedded Intelligence Era*

2020 – Present

Predictive Procurement Orchestration. Organizations leverage Arkestro’s behavioral science, game theory and machine learning to predict and win.

Arkestro is the leading Predictive Procurement Orchestration platform. Built to amplify procurement’s impact.

Arkestro helps enterprises deliver a 2-5x lift on cost savings attributed to everyday purchasing and sourcing cycles.