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Predicts 2024 - CPOs Adjust to Technology's Impact on Procurement

From 100 to 1000: How High-Performing CPOs Use 100 Day Plans to Achieve Escape Velocity

The CPOs who handle the stress and the long hours of the job with grace and humility share one thing in common: they absolutely love what they do, and the harder it gets, the more they love it.
— Len DeCandia

Former Johnson & Johnson CPO


In this eBook, we provide a window into successful strategies and pitfalls, aiming to help new CPOs build their starter playbook and assist existing CPOs in developing a 100 Days Plan for transformation projects. The ultimate goal is to deliver impressive results, inspire and motivate AI transformation, and create momentum for your team to reach its full potential.

Drawing from former CPO Len DeCandia’s deep leadership experience at Johnson and Johnson, it offers practical advice and leadership tactics for effective change management and teamwork in procurement transformations.


Key Takeaways

  • Learn which CPO persona you are with our interactive questionnaire
  • Understand the fundamentals of building a team of enthusiastic supporters and advocates
  • Discover multiple types of blockers when building your 100 Day Plan
  • Feel confident in laying the groundwork for the following 1000 days

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